What is on your Tradeshow Marketing Bucket List?
What? Why would that matter? Compiling a list of things that might be fun to do – in tradeshow marketing, no less – before you kick the bucket?
And again, why not?
By putting together a Bucket List for your tradeshow marketing efforts, you will begin to form larger ideas and put meat on the skeleton of tradeshow marketing ideas that already exist in your mind. But those ideas may be limited by the reality of your budget, schedule, availabilities and staff.
But wouldn’t it be get a little inspiration from the movies and have fun to play a “What If?” game?
So – suspend the constraints of your current reality and ask: what might go on your Tradeshow Marketing Bucket List?
- Shows that you’d love to attend
- Promotions you want to do
- People you want to meet
- Locations where you’d like to go to a show
- Tradeshow booths that you’d like to purchase
- Graphic artists or designers you’d love to work with
- Products you’d like to promote
Can you see where this is going? Imagine all of the possibilities that you can come up with using those ideas as thought-starters. Undoubtedly you can come up with more kickstarters with a little more thought.
Create a Tradeshow Marketing Bucket List. Then keep it handy and start ticking off the items as you do them.

photo credit: the paessels
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