Going to be involved with social media at your next tradeshow? Will you be tweeting about your event, trying to draw people to your booth?

Joshua Persky thinks you might like to put one of his ‘Twisplays’ into your booth. Not only will the streaming text on the LED sign attract eyeballs, you’ll have the latest tweets about the event appearing in your booth.
Persky spent ten years in the banking industry until the recession hit. Recently he brainstormed an idea to combine a typical streaming display with text from a twitter account. He admits that the product could use some refining: “my developers are taking a little longer than I thought.” Some of his ideas have yet to be implemented but are coming soon, he says.
When did the company launch?
“Basically, yesterday!” said Persky, who added that a recent article on the Mashable website has created a lot of attention. “I’ve met a lot of great people because of that.”
While the Twisplay application can be used for a lot of different things, the idea of incorporating it into an event, tradeshow or convention seems natural.
Of course, seeing a shortened link on an LED display won’t really do you any good – it goes by so fast it’ll be virtually impossible to remember the link if you wanted to ‘click through’ – but it at least might draw you to Twitter to find the actual tweet.
The 26″ x 4″ displays sell for $299. The Twisplay website still is fairly bare-bones, but Joshua was easy to reach and willing to answer questions.
Blinky Signs ,
Very ingenious social networking led device. I’ll keep my eyes out for them.
Twisplays Brings Twitter Streams to Your Tradeshow Booth « Expopedia ,
[…] November 8, 2010 Going to be involved with social media at your next tradeshow? Will you be tweeting about your event, trying to draw people to your booth? Joshua Persky thinks you might like to put one of his ‘Twisplays’ into your booth. Not only will the … Continue reading … […]
Shawn Vincent ,
Pretty awesome idea. I’ll have to start recommending this to our clients!