What’s in your tradeshow tool kit?
As tradeshow veterans, you probably have your go-to list of ‘don’t forget’ items. So I thought it would be fun to check around and compile a thorough list of things you might at least consider taking in your kit. Whether they are in a travel bag, or (in some cases) in the exhibit crates, the list can get long. The key is to have an item when you need it. And being on the tradeshow floor trying to get a light to hang, or unscrew a tight screw or fix a banner stand, each situation requires a different fix.

So let’s jump in and see what people would put on their list.
- Pens – ball point, Sharpies, large markers
- Tape – scotch tape, duct tape, packing tape, masking tape
- Stapler and staple gun
- Business cards – more than you think you’ll need
- Business card holders
- Note pads or post-it notes
- Refreshments such as water or soda
- Small containers for giveaways
- Clipboards
- Table cloths or table throws printed with your logo
- Backup phone battery or charger
- Extra phone cables
- Small tool kit with screwdrivers and box cutter
- Rubber bands and paper clips
- Extension cords and plug-in strips
- Small first aid kit
- Hand sanitizer and lotion
- Breath mints
- Snacks
- String or heavy duty twine
- Cord keepers or plastic zip ties
- Zip lock bags
- Cleaning supplies
- Hand vacuum or portable carpet sweeper
- Safety pins
- Flash drives, including digital copies of any giveaways
- Comfortable shoes!
- Promo items
- Signage
- Name tags
- Photos of the assembled booth
- Email signup sheet or software on iPad
- Samples or giveaways
- Staff contact information and detailed travel plans
- Copies of all show paperwork (booth #, contract, set-up instructions, etc.)
Got it? Good!