“Outside the box.” Should you be thinking about your tradeshow marketing using an outside-the-box approach?
Well, that depends. If you can come up with an unusual way to draw crowds, or do pre-show marketing that whets attendees’ appetites, I think you’ve got something going.
But if you’re looking for something outside the box when it comes to actual execution of all of the needed elements, you’re probably better off drawing inside the lines.
When it comes to greeting visitors with a smile, having a pertinent question for them, and responding to questions with accuracy and integrity, you’re on the right track.
When it comes to having a booth that meets all of your function needs, from attractive graphics and proper demo or sample areas to storage and meeting, you’re probably going to want to do it by-the-book.
When it comes to tracking lead generation, sales follow up and tracking ROI, keep it on the straight and narrow.
In other words, do all you need to do using tried-and-true activities designed to effectively execute the functions of exhibiting – stay inside the box – and you’ll be happier for it.
But when it comes to getting people’s attention through what might be considered outlandish or outside-the-box promotional methods, have at it.
Just make sure that once all of those people get to your booth, you have the systems and experience in place to benefit from them.