Let Freedom Ring
Here on the USA’s Fourth of July Independence Day, let’s let freedom ring and celebrate in the tradeshow world.
No matter your political, economic or social stripes, I have no doubt you could make the case that our freedoms are under fire from many directions. But in the USA we still have the freedom to make the best case we can for our products and services: things we have put our careers on the line for and our talents to the test.

So let’s celebrate.
Celebrate your ability to go anywhere for any reason in this country to promote your business, products and services.
Let freedom ring and celebrate the willingness of buyers to show up at your tradeshow booth and palaver about your products, perhaps placing an order or making arrangements for a future discussion.
Celebrate the freedom to pitch your products in retail stores, online and through industry-focused tradeshows.
Celebrate your ability to hire the best people you can find to create those products and help market them at the tradeshow of your choice.
With freedom comes responsibility: you have the freedom to exhibit as modestly or extravagantly as you can. You also have the responsibility to present the best image that you and your team can assemble based on your ability and resources. You have the responsibility to squeeze the most out of those talents and resources as you can muster.
As an American, I have the freedom (and responsibility) to quibble about the way our country is run, and no doubt if you and got together over a beer we’d find we disagreed on a lot. But I would be that we’d probably agree on more than we disagree on.
So let’s let freedom ring and celebrate our diversity – and what we have in common – today.