I love these short statistic-packed videos that keep popping up and lay out the latest data on online consumption. And yes, we are a world of ‘net consumers. Watching videos (average of 182 a month!), blogging (53% of all websites are blogs!), sending emails, dealing with spam…it’s incredible how the numbers stack up.
Lew Hoff of Bartizan says he’s about to ‘implode’ his company. Hmm? Turns out it may be the best thing he can do. Bartizan is about to introduce iLeads, a new tradeshow lead generation and capture tool. Our conversation covered a lot of ground:
Yesterday’s webinar (Feb 17) on “How to Use Social Media to Close More Business at Tradeshows” was fun and well-received. I thought I’d post the slides so you could get a glimpse of what we went over…of course the audio track and discussion would reveal a lot more – but take a look here:
Note: We’ve just released a short report on ‘Building an Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Tradeshow Exhibit’ which you can now pick-up on our free download page.
As more and more companies move to environmental consciousness and responsibility, the desire to exhibit using eco-friendly and sustainable practices increases as well.
Interpretive Exhibits has been an environmentally conscious company since its inception. As more and more materials become available for exhibit fabrication, we discuss them with clients and make them available whenever appropriate.
Some of the materials that we consider during fabrication:
Bamboo – produces 35% more oxygen than average trees, matures quickly, and does not require re-planting
Tension Fabric – low weight and small shipping and storage space
Other considerations for creating sustainable exhibits:
Re-use: what possibility does the material have to be re-used in the future? In many cases old exhibit elements can be incorporated by non-profit organizations.
Re-claimed materials and local sourcing: the Northwest is a good source for re-claimed material. Using locally sourced re-claimed materials is environmentally friendly for a number of reasons: if it’s local, it requires less shipping costs. Also, it’s documented that for each dollar spent locally, three dollars stay in the community, so spending locally reduces carbon usage and helps sustain the local economy.
Weight: many materials such as plastic recycled faux wood are denser and therefore heavier than typical fabrication materials, which will impact the cost of shipping. In many instances, this is a trade-off between heavier construction and shipping costs vs. a more environmentally friendly fabrication approach.
If you’ve discovered one thing about this blog, it’s that I like to share cool articles, videos and information from other folks that are of a like mind or offering info that is in the same vein.
With that said, I ran across a terrific presentation from David Berkowitz, a guy I’ve followed for years. Great writer, fun thinker…he’s billed as a ‘social media and mobile marketing strategist for i360, blogger at MarketersStudio.com, author of weekly Social Media Insider with Media Post; speaker, columnist on media, marketing and technology.’
David was the keynote speaker at ‘Event Camp 2010 conference in New York City, it covers social media marketing for event planners, including lessons organizers can learn from other marketers. It focuses on developing a strategy for social media, along with top trends such as mobile social networking, social metrics, augmented reality, and Facebook connect.’
Informative and thoughtful slide show from that presentation:
In just two weeks – Feb 17th at 1 pm Pac / 4 pm Est to be precise – I’ll be doing a one-hour webinar on what strategies and techniques you can use to close more business at tradeshows by drawing more people to your booth via your online social media activity. This means looking closely at how you can use Twitter, blogging, YouTube, Facebook and other social media sites to get people engaged with your upcoming show and ultimately with your brand and company. Here’s a quick look at one thing that we’ll be going over.
What do you want to learn about using social media to market at tradeshows? Leave a comment and I’ll be sure to cover that in the webinar!
Need to lift declining attendance at a regional or local tradeshow? You might take a tip or two from what Jill Harrison, the Manager of Public Relations and Image Development at the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce did.
When I asked for stories in a HARO request last year, Jill chimed in with a great story on how they brought more people to the show – and kept the buzz going during the event for attendees and those that couldn’t be there in person. Let’s let her tell it:
Here at the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, we use social media heavily for our twice annual tradeshow called SchmoozaPalooza. There are two main ways we use it: 1) to drive event attendance and 2) to update followers during the actual event.
Our event, called “Business After Hours”, had declining attendance. We decided to re-brand it (and call it SchmoozaPalooza) and spread the word in a new way – through social media. We set up profiles on Twitter, LinkedIn, Plaxo, MySpace and Facebook. We started by attracting “friends” before we tried to sell or promote anything. We figured out what our followers were interested in, and informed them on a variety of events, not just about SchmoozaPalooza. This helped us build credibility. After a period of time, we began to promote SchmoozaPalooza. The closer to the event we got, the more we promoted it. By the time the event drew near, we had 102 followers on Twitter, 441 friends on Linkedin, 209 friends on Plaxo, 117 friends on MySpace, and 568 friends on Facebook.
During the actual event, we encouraged our attendees to “tweet” what they were doing, what was happening and what they thought. A large TV screen in the front and back of the event showed the scrolling “tweets” to passersby.
After the event when we did our evaluation, we saw that attendance had nearly quadrupled – from 200 to 725. Our revenue doubled. The best part is that we can utilize these friend groups in the future. Social media helped us reach a whole new audience.
Certainly using Social Media to draw more visitors to an event can be done – but it doesn’t happen over night and it does take planning and execution.
I like that Jill and her team had a plan and spent some time building credibility before they started to promote SchmoozaPalooza, then built on the promotions as they got closer. I disagree with Seth Godin’s take that putting up a tradeshow booth is an event and not a process. Getting people to your show or to your booth is an ongoing process that goes from show to show and builds on past experiences and promotions.
For your next tradeshow (whether you’re organizing the show or just putting up a booth at the show), take a hard look at Social Media and see what it can do for you. Learn from other experiences and look to create your own experiences. Then build on them.
Andy Saks is the ‘Chief Sparkler’ of Spark Presentations in the Boston area – and a big proponent of using Bubble Tweets to draw attention to his online antics. Andy’s also a great presenter and trainer, and spends a fair amount of his time working for clients at tradeshows. Andy sat down for an interview recently to discuss all of that, and more.
If that headline mystified you – because you don’t know what the heck a ‘spurtle’ is – you’re not alone.
For starters, a spurtle is is a Scottish kitchen tool that dates back to the fifteenth century. The ‘Golden Spurtle’ is awarded each year in Scotland to someone who cooks some darn fine porridge in the World Porridge Making Championship, in Carrbridge, Inverness-shire, Scotland, on ‘World Porridge Day’. As the website states, “The title of World Porridge Making Champion is awarded to the chef deemed to have made the best traditional porridge using oatmeal, water and salt.”
From what I can gather from talking to the folks at Bob’s Red Mill, the competition, which is put on by the Scots, is usually (if not always) won by a Scot.
Not this year. In October of 2009, Matt Cox of Bob’s Red Mill (an Interpretive Exhibits client), claimed the title and the Golden Spurtle. The follow six-minute film of the event is a bit of a kick.
Our congratulations to Matt and Bob’s Red Mill! Our big question is: you are going back to defend your title, aren’t you, Matt?
In October Jay Tokosch appeared on our podcast to discuss “Follow Me,” an iPhone app that is customizable for tradeshows to help direct you to various booths, locate yourself, and generally help your whole tradeshow experience.
Jay just sent me a note with a link to a YouTube video that Core-Apps just tossed up that demos the app. This quick video definitely shows how cool the app is.