TradeshowGuyBlog accepts guest posts about tradeshow marketing. Our goal is to help share useful information that helps tradeshow marketing managers and exhibitors. No self-promotion articles accepted. Although if your product or service is deemed interesting enough we may consider interviewing you for our podcast.
The posts should be between 500 and 700 words, although longer and shorter posts will be considered.
No payment is given for the use of your contribution. You hold full copyright of your copy. You must be the author of the copy. If it is an article that you’ve previously published on your blog or submitted to another site, it can be accepted if it is significantly re-written or re-worked. You may also submit a brief bio or ‘resource’ box of approximately 50 – 75 words.
Submissions are accepted in text form (preferred) or MS Word. Pictures or illustrations are encouraged. However, we may or may not use them.
Submit your posts to: Tim Patterson — email: tim.patterson @ tradeshowexhibits.com (remove all spaces in email address before using). Please include your full name, address, and ‘best’ email address, and phone number.
Your post MUST meet the following two requirements or it will not be considered for publication:
- It must include some sort of aspect, angle or description of how exhibitors can effectively use tradeshow, conference or event marketing.
- It may NOT include any links in the body copy to any business.
If your post is accepted, we’ll give you an estimated date of publication. We have the right, nay – the obligation, to promote the heck out of your post on Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn, blogs, websites, speaking engagements, podcasts, etc. We expect you to do the same!
Reach out via our contact form on the right of the page. Look forward to hearing from you!
Jim Morton ,
Hi Tim,
I seem to be treading slightly on your territory with my blog name (Gee, Trade Show Guy seemed so original when I came up with it–I should’ve checked better). I actually started my blog as a pressure release for the madhouse that I used to work at. If you go back, some of the early posts are just rants. Later it started to develop into its own thing. I’ve worked with MG Designs and GGE here in San Francisco, and Ocean Designs in England and Germany. At some point I hope to expand my blog into something more public. At that point, I will probably lose the tradeshowguy moniker on it. Your blog looks really useful, and I hope to talk about it in an upcoming post if that is cool with you. Take care, and keep up the good work!
Jim Morton
Tim Patterson ,
Hey Jim,
I appreciate the kind words – your blog looks mighty useful for tradeshow folks – thanks for sharing. When I first looked into blogging as the tradeshowguy, I looked at tradeshowguy.com but it was taken, so I thought I’d just add ‘blog’ to it and voila’! there you go. Having a lot of fun with it and always looking for podcast guests and guest bloggers if you’re interested!
Enjoy, Tim
John Clauss ,
below is a post we had on our blog. This ia a neat little product that we have been marketing. It may really be a good fit for tradeshow folk… with a social media flare.
Do you Poken? Have you Poken’d? Will you Poken?
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We have already said Social Networking is here to stay, now the task at hand is making it easier to connect. Poken is here to help.
What is Poken? It is your “electronic social business card.” You can share your contact and social network info with just a touch. You touch your Poken to another Poken and your contact information is exchanged. Currently, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, Vimeo, AIM, Yahoo Messanger, MSN and Skype as well as many other networks are Poken compatible.
World Trade Show Displays ,
John, thanks for the tip on Poken, From their site: “Poken customers around the world are using pokenEVENT to improve the quality of networking at their events. We have worked with corporate partners, event organizers, large and small.” – sounds like an excellent way or pushing your event into the future with social media.
Jan ,
Hi Tim,
I found your blog when I was looking for information on trade shows.
I created a website that lists all trade shows held in the EU; just for the fun of it and because I thought it could be usefull to people. But for people to use it they need to be able to find it so I’m trying to bring some attention to it.
I guess you must be from the US but not all of your readers are (like me) and Americans may also travel sometimes. I hope you find the site usefull and will leave this post on your blog.
There are no google ads or any other type of advertising on it; so I’m not trying to advertise my site to make some money on it. It is strictly intended as usefull information.
This is the website
Tim Patterson ,
Hi Jan,
I checked out your site and it looks very informative and straightforward. Thanks for letting me know~!
Karin ,
Just added you to my facebook page and will start getting your newsletters to share with all my clients! Will look into getting you some submissions on the topics you are looking for.
Krassi Popov ,
Hi Tim,
I just wanted to take the time to share an infographic we created on the Power of Trade Shows. As tradeshows are an important part of our business and our success as a company, we highlighted their impact. I hope you find it to be a cool piece of information, and if you’re ever interested in using it on your blog, just let me know.
Théophile ,
Hi Tim,
I found your blog when I was looking for information on trade fairs and I just wanted to share an article I wrote on trade shows and how they must improve the experience they deliver. Trade shows are the core of our business and we also create a blog to help share useful information that could help managers, visitors and exhibitors to grab some tips on the subject ! I hope you will enjoy reading it !